Thursday, November 11, 2010


Here you have some nice games to keep practising with your English.Click on the links to see. Enjoy!
- Do your remember about classroom objects? and here.

Watch Lloyd in Space and have fun.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ABC show


We start all over again with the alphabet. Do you know about the origin of the alphabet? Do you remember about their names?

Look in this video you can learn about the origin of the alphabet order. Watch out!

Now, you can practise with the sounds. Click with your mouse on these links and have the greatest fun!

1. ABC count.

2. The Alphabet antics.

3. Learn some words.

4. The alphabet train.

Now, look at these song and try to sing it at home. It is very fast but fun!

Ahora para vosotros padres y madres aquí os dejo unos artículos muy interesantes para leer.
- Bilinguísmo.
- Métodos para aprender idiomas.